17 Practical Tips to Slash Your Grocery Bill in Half

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As grocery prices continue to rise, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for households to make ends meet. That’s why families need to create and maintain a budget that helps them keep their food costs as low as possible. You can keep your grocery bills under control by always being aware of the different ways to save when shopping for groceries.

This article outlines 17 practical tips that can help you slash your grocery bill in half without compromising on quality or nutrition. It will also provide ideas for reducing food waste and cutting down on your overall grocery expenditure. Read on to learn how to save money while still getting the best value for your hard-earned cash!

Track Your Spending and Set a Budget

budget for grocery

With food prices rising, managing your grocery budget is essential if you want to save money. The first step in controlling your spending is to track your expenses and set a realistic budget based on your income and needs. This way, you can monitor how much you spend on groceries each month and adjust accordingly.

You should also review your grocery bills periodically to identify areas where you can make cuts. This includes tracking sales and discounts on items you normally purchase, planning meals around what’s in season or on sale, and knowing when to stock up on pantry staples.

Apps like Mint or YNAB can help you monitor your monthly spending and create an achievable budget. You can also use a reusable grocery list to track your needs and avoid buying unnecessary items.

Plan Meals and Make a Shopping List

As part of your grocery budgeting efforts, it’s important to plan meals in advance and create a detailed shopping list. Planning ahead helps you stick to the items that are essential and avoid buying things that aren’t necessary. It also makes comparing prices and shopping for the best deals at different stores easier.

When meal planning, start by reviewing recipes that use ingredients you already have and make a list of the additional items you need. This will help reduce food waste and save you money in the long run. You should also create a weekly meal plan and corresponding grocery list to track what you need and shop on days when stores offer discounts or promotions.

Studies show that meal planning can effectively reduce impulsive purchases and save up to $30 a week on food. So take the time to plan your meals carefully and include only the items that you need on your grocery list.

Shop with a Full Stomach

One of grocery shoppers’ most common mistakes is shopping on an empty stomach. Shopping while hungry increases your chances of overspending or making impulse purchases that you wouldn’t otherwise make. This is called the “hungry shopper” effect and can significantly impact your budget if left unchecked.

For example, let’s say you’re grocery shopping and you see a sale on ice cream. If you’re not hungry, you may think twice before buying it or remember that it’s not part of your meal plan. But if your stomach is empty, chances are you’ll be more likely to buy the ice cream impulsively, even though it’s not something you need.

Studies have found that shopping when hungry leads to increased spending—shoppers who were hungry spent 64% more money and bought 88% more products than those who weren’t. So before you go grocery shopping, make sure to have a snack or meal first to avoid impulsive purchases.

Buy in Bulk for Staple Items

When buying staple items, opting for bulk purchases is one of the best ways to save money. Bulk prices are almost always lower per unit than smaller amounts, so you get more value. Plus, you don’t have to worry about running out of staples every few weeks and having to buy more.

For instance, buying a five-pound bag of rice can save up to 50% compared to buying individual one-pound bags. Other items typically cheaper when purchased in bulk include pasta, canned goods, nuts and seeds, grains, and other pantry staples.

Do some research online or at your local grocery store to compare prices per unit for different-sized packages. This will give you an idea of which items are worth buying in bulk and how much you can save. If you don’t have enough storage space, consider splitting the purchase with a friend or family member and divying up the items.

Utilize Coupons and Discounts

stack of coupons

Coupons and discounts are another great way to save money when grocery shopping. You can find coupons for almost anything with little research these days. Many grocery stores also offer their own discounts and promotions that you can take advantage of.

You can find coupons in newspapers and magazines, online platforms like Groupon or RetailMeNot, store flyers, and even on the products themselves. It’s also a good idea to sign up for email newsletters from grocery stores to stay updated on their discounts and offers.

Extreme couponing is another way to save money on groceries. People who practice extreme couponing look for the best deals, use multiple coupons, and stockpile items to get the most out of their money. Many extreme couponers have made significant savings over the years simply by being creative and taking advantage of discounts.

Explore Store Brands and Generic Products

When it comes to grocery shopping, store brands and generic products are always a smart and cost-effective choice. This is because store brands often contain the same ingredients as national brands but at a much lower price point.

It’s worth comparing the prices and ingredients between branded and store-brand items before purchasing. You may be surprised by how much money you can save and the quality of the product. Consumer reports have also found that store-brand items are just as good in taste, texture, and appearance as their branded counterparts.

Research indicates that generic medications often come at a significantly lower price, typically around 80% to 85% less than their brand-name counterparts. So, if you’re seeking effective strategies to trim your grocery expenses without sacrificing quality, it’s certainly worthwhile to give serious thought to generic products.

Avoid Shopping the Aisles Impulsively

Supermarkets are strategic with their store layout and product placement to encourage shoppers to make impulsive purchases. For example, stores often place items like candy bars and chips at the checkout line or near the entrance, so it’s easy for shoppers to grab them without thinking twice.

To avoid making impulse buys while shopping the aisles, always keep your grocery list in mind and stick to it. Don’t be swayed by eye-catching displays, discounts, or sale items that are not on your grocery list. That way, you can stay focused on your needs and avoid overspending.

It’s also a good idea to give yourself a budget for impulsive buys if you must have something outside of your grocery list. For instance, if you want to buy a new flavor of chips or some candy bars, set aside $5 from your total budget and limit yourself to only purchase items within that amount.

Opt for Fresh Produce in Season

Many people buy organic produce for health reasons, but this can be expensive. A more cost-effective option is to buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Not only are seasonal items typically more affordable, but they’re also fresher and have a better flavor than out-of-season produce. Plus, you are supporting local farmers and reducing your carbon footprint.

In-season produce is typically cheaper because the cost of harvesting, packaging, transporting, and shipping is lower. Also, there’s more supply available at farms in season than out of season, so prices are lower to encourage shoppers to buy the surplus.

For example, strawberries are summer fruits that are usually most expensive in winter and early spring. By comparison, apples are a fall fruit that is typically cheaper during the fall season when they’re fresh and abundant. So, to get the best value for your money at the grocery store, try to buy fruits and vegetables in season whenever possible.

Consider Discount Stores and Farmers’ Markets

As the cost of groceries rises, many shoppers are turning to discount stores and farmers’ markets as alternative shopping venues. Discount stores often offer products at lower prices than traditional grocery stores, while farmers’ markets tend to have fresher produce and unique finds that you won’t find anywhere else.

Shopping at discount stores can save you a lot of money on things like canned goods, cereals, snacks, and other packaged items. Some stores even have discounted produce sections where you can find organic fruits and vegetables at a fraction of their usual cost.

Farmers markets are also a great way to save money while getting the freshest produce available. Plus, you get to directly support local farmers and artisans who may be selling unique items that you can’t find anywhere else.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, over 8,500 farmers’ markets now operate in all 50 states, generating an estimated $2 billion in sales annually. Studies have also found that shoppers save 15% or more on their grocery bills when buying from these alternative shopping venues.

Shop Less Frequently

If you’re trying to cut down on your grocery bills, shopping less frequently is one of the best ways to do it. This is often called the “grocery store effect” and occurs when shoppers buy more than they need each time they go to the store.

Studies have found that frequent shoppers tend to overspend — up to 10% more than those who shop less often. This is because it’s easy to get carried away with all the items on display, especially when grocery shopping without a plan or list.

To reduce your overall spending, make an effort to shop only once or twice a week and plan meals that will last for several days. It’s also helpful to divide your grocery list into categories like produce, dairy, and frozen items to plan meals accordingly.

Additionally, stocking up on pantry staples can help make meal planning easier and reduce the need for frequent trips to the store. This way, you can save money by buying in bulk when it’s necessary rather than purchasing small amounts each time.

Be Mindful of Brand Loyalty

woman examining a product label

Brand loyalty can be a double-edged sword when it comes to grocery shopping. On one hand, sticking with the same brands can make your shopping easier and more convenient since you know what to expect regarding quality and taste. On the other hand, brand loyalty also means that you may be paying more for items than necessary.

Before making a purchase, it pays to evaluate the value of switching to more affordable alternatives. Many store brands offer similar products at a fraction of the cost of national brand items, so it’s worth comparing prices and ingredients before you decide which one to buy.

When it comes to brand loyalty, it’s important to consider the long-term impacts of your decisions. For instance, switching to a more affordable alternative could save you money in the long run if you have a favorite laundry detergent that costs twice as much as other brands.

In addition, some companies offer loyalty programs that reward customers for their brand loyalty with discounts and other perks. This can be a great way to get more value for your money without sacrificing the quality you’ve come to expect from your favorite brands.

Avoid Prepackaged Convenience Foods

The cost of convenience is one issue that many grocery shoppers face when trying to stick to a budget. Prepackaged foods like lunch meats, frozen dinners, and pre-cut vegetables tend to be more expensive than their raw counterparts. This is because the manufacturers have already prepared for you, so they can charge a premium for that service.

Additionally, prepackaged convenience foods often contain unhealthy additives like preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, and other chemicals. If you’re not careful, this can take a toll on your health in the long run.

Consider making your own meals or snacks from scratch as an alternative to prepackaged foods. Not only will this give you more control over the ingredients that you’re using, but it can also save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

Check Unit Prices and Compare

When it comes to grocery shopping, one of the best ways to save money is by comparing unit prices. Unit price is the cost of a single item or portion size, which can tell you how much value for your money you’re getting at the store. By checking and comparing unit prices on product labels, you can easily determine which items are worth buying and which ones aren’t.

When comparing unit prices, the product’s size, weight, and quantity are important factors. For instance, a larger package may seem cheaper, but it may not be cost-effective if you don’t use all of its contents before they go bad. On the other hand, buying smaller packages can be just as expensive as buying larger ones, so comparing prices per unit is important before purchasing.

Unit pricing is also helpful for comparing different brands and types of products. For instance, organic produce may seem more expensive compared to conventional produce. Still, when you compare the prices per pound or ounce, they might actually be cheaper than their non-organic counterparts.

Practice Minimalist Grocery Shopping

Minimalist grocery shopping is all about focusing on only the essentials and avoiding impulse buys. This approach can save you a lot of money in the long run by reducing food waste and clutter.

Regarding minimalist grocery shopping, the key is to focus on essential items and avoid impulse purchases. Start by listing only the items you need for meals and snacks for the week. This will help you stay focused and avoid buying unnecessary items that you don’t really need.

It’s also important to think about portion control when grocery shopping. Try to buy only what you need for the week, and plan meals ahead of time to reduce food waste. This way, you don’t have to worry about throwing out spoiled or expired food that has gone bad before you can finish it.

Use Cashback and Rewards Apps

The use of cashback and rewards apps is becoming increasingly popular as shoppers look for ways to save money on their grocery bills. These apps allow customers to earn points, cashback, or other rewards when purchasing from participating retailers.

Using cashback and rewards apps can be a great way to save money on groceries because the savings can add up quickly over time. To maximize your rewards, it’s important to use the app consistently and take advantage of any special offers and available promotions.

Grow Your Own Food and Preserve

While not everyone has the time or space to start a garden, growing your own produce can be an effective way to save money on groceries. Home gardening saves you money by reducing the need to buy expensive produce from the store and helps reduce food waste since you can preserve what you grow for later use.

Preserving is also a great way to get the most out of your homegrown produce. Canning or freezing techniques are effective methods for preserving food that can be kept for more extended periods than other methods and also help to reduce waste.

These days, many home gardeners and food preservation enthusiasts share tips, tricks, and stories on social media about how they save money by growing their produce and preserving food. Some popular names include bloggers like The Prairie Homestead, The Prepper Project, and The Self-Reliant Home. Taking the time to follow along with these accounts can be a great way to stay informed and inspired about saving money through gardening and preserving food.

Reduce Food Waste

Finally, reducing food waste is one of the most effective ways to cut down on grocery bills. According to a recent study, American households throw out an estimated $640 worth of food annually — that’s roughly 20% of their total grocery spending!

Luckily, there are several practical steps that you can take to reduce your food waste and save money in the long run. The key is to properly store food and plan meals ahead of time so you only buy what you need for the week and avoid throwing out spoiled items.

When it comes to storage, vacuum-sealing your produce can help it stay fresh longer, while clear containers make it easy to see what’s inside without opening them. Additionally, freezing food is a great way to preserve it for longer periods and prevent spoilage.


Saving money on groceries doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right strategies and a little bit of effort, you can easily slash your grocery bill in half or more. From buying in bulk to comparing unit prices and avoiding prepackaged convenience foods, there are many easy ways to save money at the grocery store without sacrificing quality or flavor.

By implementing these 17 tips, you can make a real impact on your grocery bill while still enjoying delicious and nutritious meals. With the money you save, you can free up funds for other important objectives like paying off debt or building an emergency fund. By making savvy shopping decisions now, you’ll set yourself up for long-term financial success.

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